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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The plains girl runs quickly over the fields and into the small woods surrounding the town. Her red hair shines brightly against the noonday sun, a light sheen of sweat collecting along her chest and forehead as her feet pound soft earth. Each footstep thudding as it hits and each footstep bringing her closer to harm, though each footstep brings her closer to the salvation of her people. She breathes quickly and ducking below tree branches and following one of the many deer trails she makes her way to a small cave hidden by brush and overgrowth. Crawling inside quickly she uncovers a wooden chest, the hinges on it made of tarnished silver, the wood stained almost to a shade of ebony she uses a key from around her neck to unlock it and pushing the lid up she uncovers leather jerkin and matching lightweight pants for a quick change.
Bending down, she lifts a long package out of the chest and unwrapping the faded quilt from around it she smiles softly at the weapons, wrapping the belt around her waist; the knives on either side gleam dimly in shadowy cave. Tying her hair back with a leather thong she glances out the mouth of the cave and with her hands on her knife holsters she says,
“It’s time to fight sisters, let’s make sure we do it well!� Grinning mischievously the girl climbs out of the cave and listening carefully takes off running at a breakneck speed away from where she just came.

Just a little over four miles away another girl of about the same age could be seen riding at a death speed at the base of the mountain villages. The eighteen year old brunette was riding her mount into a lather, the short sword at her side gleaming in the sun. The key on the silver chain around her neck is pushed hastily under the brown leather jerkin she wears, and she almost lies on the back of the horse as she urges it to ride faster. Closer to danger, closer to their salvation and closer to her blood sisters.
“We will do it well sisters! We will!� The girl shouts into the wind as her mount bears her towards the Castle.

The scene changes again, and we watch another girl, this time dark haired and dark skinned as she timidly climbs on the back of a very large, black bird. She lets out a soft squeal as her mount raises up and takes off in flight. A large staff strapped to her back along with a sack of potions and herbs she silently urges the powerful creature onward. Closer to the evil destroying their land,
Closer to saving her people and closer to her sisters,
“I’ll do as much as I can sisters, I only pray that it is enough,� she whispers softly.

One last time the scene changes and a mere slip of a girl is seen diving amongst waves, the silver scales of the fish leather jerkin shining in the wet and her compact crossbow tucked into the leather bands on her forearms, swimming strongly with the current she grabs the sack on her side and puts a star shaped covering over her mouth and dives one last time. Not resurfacing and making the last viewing all but useless to the man and woman watching.

“That’s what I have to fear Ara?! Four mere slips of girls, knives, crossbow bolts, a short sword and a wooden staff! You must think me weak indeed to bother me with this knowledge so soon.�
“My liege,� Ara bows to the High Lord sitting upon his throne, “You know I wouldn’t have bothered you with these troublesome women if it were not of the greatest importance. They are marked my Lord!� Ara exclaims in a loud whisper as though the mention of the markings would bring her lord’s sister back from exile.
“Marked hmmm? With my sister…how can anyone be left as marked!� The great man bellows suddenly. “I commanded that all children bearing her signs be murdered, executed, starved or enslaved!� he calmed down a bit and said quietly, “I have found them all out my dearest Ara,� He pats the side of her face gently, the unscarred side. “My beautiful Ara,� His face becomes menacing in the half light from the torches about the room. “Keep talking of this nonsense and I may have to make your half beauty-“ He pauses a moment and lifts his hands in the air, “Disappear.� Ara lowers her head slightly and backs away.
“Of course my Liege, I was silly to have bothered you with the knowledge, next time I shall of course relay the information through your� she coughs slightly and almost snarls the word “,� He smiles, and seems at peace,
“Very well my love, if that is what seems best to you. Besides, I am after all, Supreme in this world am I not?� He laughs softly at first, and gathers volume and soon his laugh seems maniacal and it fills the entire castle causing the servants to stop and shudder. Each servant bearing a rough scar on their forearm where skin was, cut, burned, flogged or otherwise removed, where they used to bear the sign of Celeste. A sign that made them equals and fit for leadership.

|| Fae's Muse struck at 9:52 AM ||
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